School Procedures
- Dress Code
- School-Wide Behavior Management Program
- Attendance and Tardies
- Arrival Time and Departure From School
- Checking Your Child Out of School
- Field Trips
- Gifts, Treats and Outside Activities
- Head Lice Policy
- Home Communication
- Illness and Accidents
- Immunizations
- Lost & Found
- Medication
- Personal Belongings
- Recess/Outdoor Time
- Safety: Crossing Streets
- School Fees
- School Meals: Breakfast & Lunch
- School Rules
- School Parking Clarifications
- School Supervision
- Telephone
- Title IX
- Visiting the School
Dress Code
Our Dress Code
Students, teachers, and staff are expected to dress in a manner that demonstrates they respect themselves and the learning environment. Clothing should be neat, clean, and appropriate for learning and weather conditions. It should not draw inappropriate attention to the wearer, nor disrupt the learning environment. If clothing or behavior is distracting to teachers or students, such clothing or behavior is unacceptable. Staff will determine when an individual student is in violation of the dress code.
The following would be considered in violation of the dress code:
- Garments that are low enough to reveal a student’s underwear
- Clothing advertising drugs, alcohol, tobacco, acts of violence or lawlessness
- Clothing associated with gangs, illicit drugs, or illegal substances,
- Clothing with offensive and/or vulgar language and/or designs
- Clothing which calls attention to the body, including bike pants, spandex, unitard knit tights, body suits, sheer clothing or skin tight clothing
- Hats or caps worn in the building
- Clothing with intentional cuts, slashes, fraying, or holes
- Short shorts, running shorts, or mini skirts (as a rule of measurement, shorts hem should reach the finger tips when arms are held loosely at the side)
- Crop tops showing midriffs, tube or tank tops or halters
- Coats worn in the building during instructional time
- Belt tails that dangle
- Dangling jewelry, particularly earrings
- Flip-flops
- Sunglasses
Absolutely nothing will be allowed at school that is intended, recognized, or acknowledged by the Salt Lake Area Gang Task Force, to signify affiliation with, participation in, or approval of a gang. This includes any article of clothing, badge, symbol/emblem, sign/lettering, hairdo, jewelry, eight-ball design, tattoo (including those drawn with a pen), body paint, or excessive make-up or face glitter. (A gang, as defined in the SLCSD Safe Schools Policy, is a group of three or more people who have a common name, sign, or identifying symbol and engage in criminal activities.)
For more information, refer to the district dress code guidelines found on s-5-administrative-procedures-english.pdf (
School-Wide Behavior Management Program
The faculty, administration and staff of Whittier are committed to maintaining a safe and productive learning environment. We believe that teachers are here to teach, students are here to learn, and no one has the right to interfere with that process. In order to encourage all Whittier students to be Loyal, Respectful, and Responsible citizens, we have established a school-wide behavior management system. Individual classroom rules with both positive and negative consequences are developed with the students at the beginning of the year. Classroom rules, and the school-wide rules are reviewed periodically throughout the school year. Students should understand that any responsible adult in the building has the authority to correct misconduct at any time. We ask that parents help us ensure a safe learning environment for all students by supporting our management program.
Our positive discipline program is designed to promote responsible behavioral choices and to provide awards and incentives for proper leadership behavior and respect for the dignity, worth, and rights of all students. Students have opportunity to earn Wolf Pup Tickets and Wolf Bucks by following the school and classroom rules, which are redeemed at the school store. Our teachers have been trained in the PBIS system and understand the necessity of providing classroom management procedures that create a climate of positive support and safe structure.
Attendance and Tardies
Regular and punctual attendance is important for your child's school success. You, as parent or guardian, are responsible for your child's regular attendance. Students must attend school a minimum of 180 days a year unless excused for personal illness, accidents, medical appointment, severe illness or deaths in the immediate family, or other legitimate reasons approved by the school administration. The school is authorized to require a satisfactory explanation from parents in all cases of students absence. When your child returns to school please send a signed, written note explaining the reason for the absence. If your child must be out of school for an extended period of time, please contact the teacher and make arrangements to pick up school work that will be missed. Daily phone calls, emails and texts through an automated system will notify parents when a student has been marked absent at school.
Please be aware that unexcused absenteeism and class sluffing are considered serious infractions and will be treated as such. In agreement with the Juvenile Court System, a student may be referred to court for unexcused absences following an earnest effort by the school to correct the problem. Ten (10) days total of unexcused absences are considered to be chronic absenteeism. Should parents fail to keep children in regular and punctual attendance, the court has advised the district to make educational neglect referrals to the Juvenile Court.
Parents should be aware that baby-sitting younger children, helping with housework, running errands, lack of transportation, alarm clock problems or visiting relatives are not considered acceptable reasons by the court for poor school attendance. Appointments with doctors and dentists should be arranged outside of school hours whenever possible. When necessary, children may be excused for this purpose. Please send a note stating the appointment time and date or personally visit the office.
Tardies - It is important for students to arrive at school on time. Students who arrive late miss important instructional time and may create a disruption for others. Students are considered tardy if they arrive after the daily saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Arrival Time and Departure From School
Please note school hours listed in the Parent Handbook (8:00am-2:20pm). Under State law and according to School Board Policy, school hours are set by the School Improvement Council in cooperation with the School Community Council. The school assumes responsibility for students during those hours only. For safety's sake, please do not allow students to arrive at school more than ten (10) minutes before starting time unless coming for breakfast. We have no facilities to care for students who arrive at school before that time and they may not have crossing guard protection while crossing busy streets. In good weather students remain outside until the opening bell; in severe weather students will be permitted to enter the auditorium or lunchroom where they can be supervised until the start of school.
Students must leave the school building and playground areas as soon as dismissed from school. District policy states that students may be held responsible for any disorderly conduct on their part going to and from school if that conduct affects the school climate, classroom instruction, and student and staff welfare and safety.
Checking Your Child Out of School
For individual safety, no child will be allowed to leave the school grounds during the school day unless we have direct contact with the parent or guardian and an adult signs a check-out slip at the office. We ask that you not have your child excused from school except for emergencies. For the protection of you and your child, we will not allow anyone to check out a student from school unless they have been listed by you on the emergency area of the Registration card. Please update this card often to avoid any problems.
Field Trips
Field trips are planned by teachers and designed to enrich the curriculum. Parents will be informed in advance of any scheduled field trip and provided with details such as place, departure and return times, and other special information. Teachers welcome the participation of parents on field trips but ask that you please make arrangements well in advance of the trip.
In order to participate on any field trip, students must have written permission from parent or guardian before the day of departure. Verbal permission (such as phone call) is not considered sufficient. Students who do not have written permission to attend the field trip will remain at school.
Gifts, Treats and Outside Activities
Invitations to birthday parties and other activities not related to school functions should be delivered outside of school hours. This will prevent uninvited students from having hurt feelings. Treats (for birthdays, special days, etc.) may be brought to school with advance permission from the teacher, but must include enough for the entire class. It is also recommended that treats be store bought or individually wrapped.
Head Lice Policy
Home Communication
Whittier's home communication day is Thursday. Written materials (newsletters, flyers, samples of student work, etc.) will be sent home on Thursdays only. Please check your child's backpack and backpacks for this envelope every Thursday, remove and read carefully all school materials sent home. At least once each month there will be a newsletter sent home that includes a calendar of events, lunch menu and important messages from the school and PTA. Please watch for the newsletter and take time to read it each month. Parent are asked to please sign on the dated line before returning the envelope with your child the next day.
Illness and Accidents
If your child is ill, please don't send her/him to school. We are not permitted to keep any child in school who has a fever, rash, open sore, inflamed eyes or potentially contagious conditions unless we have verification that the child is being treated by a physician and has permission from the doctor to return to school.
The school will make every effort to inform parent of any illness or accident occurring at school that may need care or observation at home. However, no student will be sent home unless a responsible adult is there to receive him/her.
Your child may attend a Utah school only if (s)he presents a certificate of immunization from a licensed physician or an authorized state or local health department stating that (s)he has been immunized against communicable diseases. The Health Department specifies the minimum required doses at time of entry into school as:
- Measles--two doses
- Mumps--two doses
- Rubella--two doses
- Polio--three doses
- Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Whooping Cough)--four doses
Personal exemptions from these minimum requirements must be approved by the SLC-Co. Health Department. Parents claiming a personal exemption for their child may go to any Health Dept. Immunization Clinic, get a signed certificate from them and return it to school. Parents must then sign a personal exemption on the pink form. The two forms are attached and become a permanent part of the record. Without the separate form from the Health Dept., a personal exemption is not valid and will not be accepted for entry to school.
Lost & Found
Students who find lost articles are asked to take them to the office or place them in Lost & Found area located in the main lobby. Please encourage your child to look in this area if (s)he is missing an article of clothing. Each year many nice items of clothing are left at school and cannot be returned to the owners because there are no names anywhere on the items. Please protect the investment you make in your child's clothing by labeling them clearly with a laundry marker.
Several times during the school year parents and students will be given an opportunity to inspect and reclaim lost items. Articles left unclaimed after a reasonable amount of time will be given away. The school does not assume responsibility for lost personal items.
Please be aware that teachers are not allowed to administer any medication. However, medication can be administered from the school office under the following conditions: students who need to take any kind of medication must have written authorization from a parent/guardian AND the student's physician. These forms are available in the office. If your child must take short-term mediation (antibiotics, etc.) for any reason, please make arrangements to administer the doses yourself.
Personal Belongings
Students are cautioned not to bring money to school unless it is for a specific school purpose. Many problems can be avoided if money is not brought to school. Please encourage you child to leave personal valuables (expensive jackets, etc.) at home, not in a school locker. If your child wears glasses or a wristwatch, remind him/her to keep track of them at all times.
Problems arise each year because students bring articles which are hazards to the safety of others or interfere in some way with the learning process or school procedures. Please help us keep our school a safe and productive place by reminding your child to leave the following types of personal property at home:
- items prohibited by law, such as: possession or use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, firecrackers (poppers, smoke bombs, etc.) or weapons of any kind. For students caught with or using an unlawful substance or in possession of a weapon, district policy requires that severe consequences be imposed which may include automatic suspension and notification of police. (Refer to Safe Schools policy.)
- bicycles and other play equipment (skateboards, rollerblades, footballs, rollerskates, hard balls and bats, etc.);
- toys, radios, iPods, video game players, games, pets and other items which may distract students from the learning process (such items may be brought to classrooms for "show-&-tell" purposes with the teacher's permission only);
- cell phones and other communication devices are typically not allowed at school. As long as a student keeps it to themselves or with their teacher, it is fine. If it becomes a problem, a teacher or school personnel may take it away and give it back at the end of the school day.
- gum, candy, & snacks other than items packed as part of a student's lunch. Treats may be brought to school for the whole class, with the teacher's permission. Careless disposal of gum in drinking fountains, on furniture and floors presents sanitation and cleaning problems. Therefore, gum chewing is not permitted.
If brought to school, prohibited items will be confiscated and only returned to a parent or guardian at their request. Weapons or other items prohibited by law will be turned over to lawful authorities.
Recess/Outdoor Time
In order to help parents dress their children appropriately for whatever the current weather conditions are, Whittier has implemented the following guidelines for outdoor play. Please understand that with our restrictions on space, it is optimal for our 700 students to spend their recess time outside. Please dress your child appropriately each day!
Here are some basic winter time rules for students:
- Students may NOT slide down ice hills that accumulate during winter. This is a BIG problem at school, and in order to prevent injuries, we ask students to stay on main playground and pathways. Failure to comply will result in a White Slip.
- ALL snow must remain on the ground unless approved to build a snowman or sculpture.
- No snow ball fights.
- No sliding on small ice slick areas.
- No running or sliding on snow.
- Temperature: If the temperature is 21 degrees or above, students will be outside before school, during recess and following lunch. This is standard practice for many Salt Lake elementary schools.
- Weather: Students will be allowed outside if there is light snowfall or scant rain. Recess and outside play will be cancelled in case of heavy precipitation.
- Poor Air quality: Students who are “sensitive” to air quality and have a physician’s verification of asthma or respiratory illness* may receive a pass to be inside on days when air quality is rated PM 2.5 (35 to 55.5 ug/m). Parents who are interested in further information on student exemption from recess based on air quality may contact the Whittier main office (801) 481-4846. (Respiratory illnesses affected by poor air quality include asthma, cystic fibrosis, chronic lung disease, congenital heart disease or compromised immune systems).
- Critical Air quality: On days with extreme inversion (PM 2.5 level above 90 ug/m), all students will remain inside during the school day. Air Quality Forecast
With the exception of physician confirmed “sensitive” students, please do not send your child to school if he or she is too sick to go outside for recess or lunch play! This helps us to prevent the spread of contagious diseases, and gives our teachers brief amounts of time to tend to their own needs. The main office will monitor air quality days and notify students with respiratory conditions when they cannot go outside on a daily basis. In summary, your child either comes to school and spends recess outside, or stays home sick. If weather is below 20 degrees, or if there is heavy rain or snow precipitation, the principal will call for an “inside” recess.
Safety: Crossing Streets
Some students may have to cross busy streets to get to school. Please review the following safety precautions with your child and/or take the time to demonstrate safe crossing habits.
- Students should cross at intersections or marked lanes only.
- At certain crossing areas official Crossing Guards are on duty to regulate traffic and escort students across busy streets.
- Crossing Guards perform a valuable service to our community by ensuring the safety of our children on their way to school and at dismissal times.
- We expect Whittier students to be respectful and cooperative with Crossing Guards in performance of their duty.
- Students who are late to school or who linger after school to play may have to cross streets without the assistance of the Guards.
- To ensure this/her safety, please see that your child leaves home on time for school and returns immediately after dismissal.
School Fees
The Utah Constitution prohibits the charging of fees in elementary schools. That means that if your child is in kindergarten through grade six (unless your child is in grade six and attends a school that includes one or more 7-12 grades), you cannot be charged for textbooks, classroom equipment or supplies, musical instruments, field trips, assemblies, snacks (other than food provided through the School Lunch Program), or for anything else that takes place or is used during the regular school day.
If you wish to purchase school pictures, yearbooks, or similar items through the school, those costs are not fees and will not be waived. Also, if your student loses or damages school property, the costs of replacement or repair are not fees and need not be waived.
Federal law permits schools to charge for food or milk provided as part of the School Lunch Program. If you cannot afford to pay, you may be eligible for free or reduced price meals or milk. Your school will give you information about applying for free or reduced price meals or milk. Your school will give you information about applying for free or reduced price meals and milk. All information which you provide in your application will be kept confidential.
School Meals: Breakfast & Lunch
We invite every child to join us for breakfast and lunch at school this year--and parents are always welcome! The goal of the school nutrition program is to provide nutritious, quality meals that children will enjoy. Please refer to the Parent Handbook for daily schedule for breakfast and lunch service. A menu listing breakfasts and lunches for the month will be sent home in the home communication folder at the beginning of each month.
Schedule (Monday-Friday):
- Breakfast: 7:45-8:00
- Lunch: 11:00-12:20
- Student: Breakfast: $1.00 | Lunch: $2.00 | Extra Milk: $0.50
- Adult: Breakfast $2.50 | Lunch: $3.50 | Extra Milk: $0.50
All cash payments must be sent to the main office before a meal is received.
Application LINK: Meal Benefits
*Application Process: Parents, you must fill out a new application each school year to determine qualification of Federal Lunch Program. Application is available early August until May for the current school year.
*Payments: You can either pay by cash, check, or credit/debit card. All cash and check payments MUST be turned into the Main Office. Credit/Debit payments are automatic and are received by the cafeteria manager within 5 minutes of adding it to your student’s account on-line. Please go to to create an account.
*Questions: If you have questions about your lunch application, please call (801) 974-8380. You can also speak with the Cafeteria Manager or Main Office during regular business hours.
The mission of the Department of Child Nutrition is to provide nutritious meals with variety, appeal, and value for all students.
- Students in all Salt Lake City School District schools will always receive a full meal, even if they have a negative balance.
- No partial meals will be served.
MyPaymentsPlus is the district’s free, online, electronic payment system for student meals. Parents are able to set up an account in this system and use it to make electronic payments into their child’s lunch account. The district has worked with MyPaymentsPlus to set up an automatic email notification system. When a child’s account falls below $10, the parent will receive a daily email notification until the account is replenished. Again, this notification system is now automatic. Parents simply need to visit and register for a free account. Service charges no longer apply.
Parents using MyPaymentsPlus can ask questions about their online accounts and how to navigate the software through this email address: MyPaymentsPlus also has a free mobile app available for iPhone, iPad, and Android phones.
District Notifications
For parents who elect not to use MyPaymentsPlus, the district will employ its in-house notification system, School Messenger. When a child’s account balance is between $10 and $.01, the parent will receive a once-a-week reminder of the low balance. When a child’s account balance is in the negative, parents will receive a daily notification until the account has been replenished. These notifications will be sent out via phone message and, where possible, via email.
Questions about school meal accounts should be addressed with the Child Nutrition Department at (801) 974-8380.
Parents must have a parent account in PowerSchool to benefit from this tutorial. Using a student’s information to log in to PowerSchool will not work. To set up a parent account in PowerSchool, parents should contact their school office.
School Rules
Students are expected to:
- follow directions the first time given
- keep hands, feet and objects to themselves
- attend classes, be on time and follow classroom rules
- use equipment & facilities in a safe & responsible manner
- follow the laws of the land
Lunchroom Rules
Students are expected to:
- enter and exit quietly
- wait quietly in line
- sit at assigned table and eat politely
- clean up their area and clear tray properly
- All food is to remain in the lunchroom.
Hall Rules
Students are expected to:
- use proper hallways to enter & exit the building
- walk quietly in the halls at all times (speed limit is walk!)
- carry a hall pass when outside the classroom
- Students must be with their class or have a pass.
Playground Rules
Students are expected to:
- stay in playground areas only
- use equipment properly
- remain outside during recess
- respect hall patrol members
- report all problems to conflict managers or the adult on duty
- If it looks too rough, it is too rough!
School Parking Clarifications
School district and city policies are in place to ensure safety for all students before and after school in regards to parking. Below are some common areas where people have questions in regards to parking at school:
- Front (300 East)
Unloading and loading should not exceed 5 minutes at the front of Whittier before and after school. There are limited slots and there is a 2-hour or less time limit. If you park across the street, please do NOT block any driveways. The curb adjacent to the playground fence along 300 EAST is used before and after school for unloading and loading of students who ride school buses. Cars must move out of the way of buses when they pull up to the curb. Failure to do so will result in a ticket from the city.
- Kindergarten Playground
The parking lot outside of the kindergarten playground belongs to Salt Lake Community College. Parking here may result in a ticket from College police. If you have a permit from SLCC, you may use it to park in this area. Otherwise, you must use another designated parking area.
- Back Parking Lot (Kensington)
This parking lot is used for faculty and staff. Parents may park, unload, and load temporarily. We want to prevent IDLING in all school areas, especially during winter. If you need to park for 5-minutes or less, please turn off your car. Keep in mind that you cannot block the parking lot when snow plows come through.
School Supervision
Supervision is available Monday-Friday starting at 7:50, going throughout the day during recess, and after school when student pick-up occurs. Administrators and paraprofessionals will supervise students before, during, and after school departure times. The schedule is designed to ensure the safety of students, and efficiency of transition periods before, during, and after school. If you have any questions, please contact the Principal, Bri Deleon at (801) 481-4846.
The office telephone is for school business only and may be used by students only in cases of emergency with the permission of the classroom teacher. In an effort to reduce interruptions to the learning process, we ask that you not call the school and request to talk with your child. In the case of an emergency, the office will see that a message is given to your child.
Title IX
Visiting the School
Parents or guardians are welcome to visit their child's classroom at any time. Should you wish to observe in a classroom, please check in at the office when you arrive. It is important that we be aware of who is in the building at all times. Brothers, sisters, other relatives, or ex-students are not to visit classrooms during the school day. Their presence disrupts the educational process.